Tuesday, May 24, 2011

First swim!!

I have been anticipating this day since Trey and Easton were born... seriously. And now I'm being tortured thanks to this weather. Yesterday when Dave got off work the weather had turned around a bit so we decided to hit up the pool. It wasn't perfect, but good enough to swim for a bit. We purchased so many things for the pool this summer, swimsuits, rash guards, floaties, life jackets... and I've been so excited to put everything to use. I don't know what I was expecting... that our babies would be "water babies?" That they were born to swim???

It's safe to say that Trey hates swimming. And Easton tolerates it. hahaha. But ya know... it's all good. I realize it's something they will have to get used to. And they will get used to it. (Especially since I am their mother and live at the pool during the summer.) We have until September to make them realize swimming is fun!! I'm sure they'll love it in no time! :)


Anonymous said...

So cute! Can't wait to see them in all their gear at the big celebration in a couple weeks! Love you!

Jake and Kim said...

Your boys are so cute, and already look different from when i saw them at the BBQ. Yay for swimming! They'll love it soon enough.