Thursday, May 19, 2011


I'm late on this 11 month mark. (Better late than never though!) So now that Easton and Trey are 11 months old they both have two teeth that have come in. Both of them have two bottom teeth. They are pulling themselves up onto everything and figuring out how to get into everything!!! It's chaotic sometimes but it's so much fun. They are both so sweet and lovable and I'm so lucky to be their mom. It's crazy to me that they are almost 1 year old because they are still so small and seem so baby-like to me. Maybe once they are walking I will actually feel like I have toddlers on my hands! Here's to 11 months! :)

They love getting into their drawers or the laundry basket and pulling out all their clothes!!


Drew and Brandi said...

Your boys are so dang cute! Story is here and there and everywhere these days with crawling I can only imagine what it is like to have two little naughties here and there and everywhere! Twice the mess! ha ha but so much fun!

Sarah Hunt said...

These pictures make me want to have twins so bad! They are such cute little buddies. Little stinks! Let the toddler mischief making begin!

Anonymous said...

SO cute! Can't wait to see them tomorrow! You are bringing them right???

rayandteri said...

Oh boy! You are in trouble. I love those exploring days but they can sure be messy. You better teach them quickly how to clean up after themselves or you are going to be on the run - alot! BTW - they are the cutest things ever!