Thursday, September 29, 2011


I'm sooo thankful fall break is around the corner. One more week of school and then a whole week off! And... fall break means this semester is half way over! Makes me so happy.

During fall break, I plan on reading The Help. And sitting and doing nothing. That sounds soooo nice.

This semester has been my most challenging yet. Between school, babies, Dave's school, Dave's work, homework, finding time to go to the gym, and finding time to do things we like just for fun, life is more chaotic than it has ever been.

I think I think about quitting school every day.

I had a dream the other night that I was driving my father-in- law's car and it ran out of gas. I pulled into a parking lot and sat there forever. Just waiting for someone to come and help me. You know how they say your dreams mean something? I looked it up online. It said that a dream in which you run out of gas means you are physically exhausted. Doesn't that make perfect sense? I'm totally physically, mentally, and emotionally drained this semester. As of late, I seriously don't function like a normal human being. Blah.

I look at houses online all the time. I so desperately want to move into a house. Mostly so we have a backyard. With a fence. So Trey and Easton can play outside like they love to do. And I won't have to chase them all over the place. Out of the parking lot. Out of our neighbor's apartment. Away from the stairs. Etc... Our apartments obviously aren't very baby friendly.

Lately I'm in one of those moods where I just want life to fast forward. Pretty much to when I'm done with school and we have a house. ha. I hate being in this mood though because I know that through the struggles lots of good/great things happen.

I'm so excited for Halloween. I love Halloween. All of the festivities and activities to do with family and friends are so much fun.

I have a thing for family themed Halloween costumes. Kinda tacky, right? I can only do it for a few more years though, and then Trey and Easton will totally decide what they want to be on their own.

This September has been amazing!!! I am loving this weather. I hope it stays as long as possible. Especially for the sake of being able to take little kids outside...

...Which brings up winter. I am dreading winter. I need to get creative and think of fun things to do inside to keep the boys entertained. Which makes me think...

Play group anyone? I've tried to organize one but ya know... it's hard. Everyone has crazy busy schedules, but couldn't we get together like at least a few times a month? I know people who have play groups and get together once a week. C'mon people.

I am already thinking of what I can get Dave, the babes, and family members for Christmas.

The Biggest Loser is back on. Best. Show. Ever. As I sit and watch it while I scarf a bowl of chocolate icecream or a bag of popcorn or a Dunford donut I'm totally inspired and want to go to the gym and work out right at that minute. But then I just eat some more icecream/popcorn/donuts ;)

I love the Allstate Insurance commercials... with Mayhem. Hilarious.

I wish that 90% of my free time wasn't consumed by homework. Although, I'm very thankful for our amazing families who are always willing to help out and babysit so we can catch a break. I really shouldn't complain, we do a lot of fun things considering how busy we are.

I hate cleaning our apartment. Seriously... it stays clean for one split second, and then it's a complete disaster again. Is there really a point? Like, really?

I hate laundry too. I've mentioned this before. It is a never-ending vicious cycle that will never end!!! As a matter of fact, I should be doing laundry right now... or homework.

This weekend should be a good one. A nice little break, lots of fun plans... but it would be so much cooler if I didnt' have homework in the back of my head... stressing me out.

So pretty much, the conclusion of this post it something that I just can't stress enough. School is for the birds!!! I hate it. It is ruining my life. That statement may or may not be a little over dramatic, but I'm sooooo over it!

Here's to the weekend! :)

1 comment:

Ellen and Austin said...

WOW all I can say is DITTO. I honestly don't know how people have kids, go to school and still have lives. My feelings are totally the same about school (its never ending) and having a house (feel like we will never have one). Your boys are adorable and it looks like your doing a great job!! Hang in there lady :)