... I need your advice/tips. I consider myself to be an active person. I go to the gym on a regular basis. I love going to classes. Specifically zumba and yoga. I do cardio for extended periods of time. On the stairmaster. Or the bike. Or pretty much anything aside from the treadmill. And if I do hop on the treadmill I'm all about intervals, but never running at a steady pace. Dave and I, along with friends, have signed up for the Dirty Dash. So I get out and do things that are physically challenging!
But I have this hate/hate relationship with running, and I really wish I didn't. I'll run 1 mile... and most often I find myself contemplating suicide the entire time. Ok, not really. But at times I think I'd really rather be dead than run. Once I've hit 1 mile, I'm done. No more running for me. I'm over it. I'll go do anything else, but no more running. That's how much I hate it.
How do you do it??? What helps you enjoy running? How can I come to a place where I enjoy it? I know so many people who run on a regular basis and really love it, and I really want to get to that place. I have hopes of doing things... such as a half marathon... maybe. A triathlon. But before I do any of those things I really just need to be able to run without desperately wanting to quit 2 minutes into it.
Maybe I'm just not a runner and need to come to terms, but before I do that, I'd like your advice. And we'll see how that goes.
Help please??? :)
James and I signed up for the same race! I have the exact same feelings as you. I don't have a problem running if I am playing basketball or something but I have the hardest time just running. Let me know if you find out the secret. :)
I love running because I like the challenge. I think of it as such a powerful thing that my body can do. I listen to good techno music which helps me focus more on the beat than how much effort it takes to lift my legs. Try running outside where you are actually running TO something instead of the same spot. I have a hard time on the treadmill too because I feel like I am not making any progress. But what does help me at the gym is looking at how far I have run so I realize that I am actually being productive. I say run outside till you like running and then try it at the gym more after. good luck!!
I have the same feelings...I just can't do it and stick with it...ugh.
I would definitely recommend running outside! There's so much more to look at and enjoy. Also, I know you might not want to hear this but it took me months of running almost everyday before I enjoyed running; it's something that you have to fight through for a certain amount of time until you start loving it. But once you love it, you will be addicted! I prefer running in the early AM hours before Jake wakes up to go to work (like before the sun comes up) and before Austin wakes up. The air is crisp, no one's out, and it's great alone time to enjoy being outside and "pondering" haha. Then your're DONE with your cardio for the whole day by 6am! Once you are running consistently, you will feel gross when you skip a run or two..that always keeps me going. What else..I think the best part about it is, it's so challenging and you have to push through it, but at the end you feel so successful! Start small. Run to your limit..those 2miles, then every 2 or 3 weeks push it another mile. Ok my novel is over :)
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