Monday, February 2, 2009

Date night!

Friday night Dave took me out on a date! He was being super secretive and wouldn't tell me anything! All I knew was we were going somewhere formal. So we got dressed up and he took me to Tuscany for dinner! It was so nice, and I had no idea until he told me, but he took me out in celebration of our engagement! We hadn't really officially celebrated yet! It was so good and afterwards he took me to the church in our home ward. Dave loves to dance, he is always stopping somewhere... anywhere, so he can roll down the windows, have us get out and dance. Since it's so cold though he knew I would complain after just one dance. So he got the keys to the church, brought his Ihome, an extension cord... the works! He even made a playlist on his Ipod :) And we danced in the gym at the church and took lots and lots of pictures. Such a fun night, my fiance is a hopeless romantic and I LOVE it!


DAVE said...

Those pics are awesome. That night was so much fun and thanks for writing all those nice things about me. You are the best lady and I love you.

Sarah Hunt said...

You are the best lady and I love you too! :) i love last pic so sexy you seductress.
that is such a cute thing to do. he is quite the romantic.

p.s. the answer to your question. I am doing natural birth.

Sierra Danielle said...

What a romantic fiance you have!! Lucky you:) I'm so excited for your wedding!