Tuesday, February 19, 2013

In the name of love...

 ...celebrate!! And that's just what we did. I love Valentine's Day. A simple yet fun holiday. The perfect excuse to make time to go out on a date, which with kids, is far and few these days. So, for Valentine's this year Trey and Easton made their Grandma Lori the cutest Valentine gifts, as well as a yummy treat via Pinterest, of course.

Trey and Easton sported Valentine attire from Old Navy, the perfect place to get fun shirts for holidays. And they were spoiled with lots of fun gifts... books, bouncy balls, sweaters, balloons, and a teensy bit of candy.

Dave and I spent Valentine's evening indulging in chocolate turtles and chocolate covered strawberries. Gifts were also exchanged, of course.

The following Friday we were able to go out on a date with friends. I think this was our fifth year going out with friends for Valentine's and as always, it was a great time. We ate at the California Pizza Kitchen. And then... we played two games of laser tag. It was awesome. None of us had been to play laser tag in forever and everyone agreed, it was so much fun. Valentine's was a success this year!

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