Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Quarter of a century!

Alas, I turned 25 last week. Crazy, right? My mom told me I've officially made my way into "serious adulthood." Meh, I think I made my way into serious adulthood at 21, when I got married and instantly became prego. Who knows... when does serious adulthood arrive??? Anyway, my Birthday was a nice, laid back day. Dave fortunately had work off so we spent the entire day doing our thing. We ate breakfast at Eggs in the City, a place I've been wanting to try for quite some time. And then we ran errands, which doesn't sound like typical Birthday fun, but it was. Because having someone to run errands with me and assist me in chasing two two year olds around is much nicer than doing so by myself. Dave was sweet and we made a stop at Sego Lily where he bought me a massage and facial. I am definitely looking forward to that! Later that evening Dave's family and some close friends came over for brownies and ice cream. Yum. The following day my dear friend Jessie took me out to lunch at The Corner Bakery AND she even took me to Victoria's Secret afterwards, where she gave me a "free underwear" card that she received in the mail. Yay for free undies!! You know you've got a good friend when they get you underwear... for your Birthday ;)  Later that weekend some friends went to The Westerner, upon my request of course, and I was far from disappointed. I have seen a lot about The Westerner on facebook and I'm so glad we finally went to see for ourselves what all the fuss was about. No wonder everyone loves it. Dave and I were finally able to get our country dance on, which we haven't done forever, ride a mechanical bull (it was bikini bull riding night, too bad I forgot my bikini, I was way bummed I didn't know ;)), and play pool. Great times! And it doesn't stop there... on Sunday my entire family got together up Big Cottonwood Canyon to celebrate all the August Birthdays in our family! (There's a lot.) It was fun to hang out, eat good food, and catch up with everyone. I always feel incredibly spoiled and loved on my Birthday. A big thanks to everyone who made my day special. Here's to 25! I know it will be another great year filled with lots of great stuff :) 

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