Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Salt Lake City Half Marathon!

First off, everyone needs to know that this is a BIG deal!!! I am not a runner... so considering I was able to get myself to run 13.1 miles is indeed a miracle.  Last fall I had a friend announce on her facebook status that she was going to run the Salt Lake Half Marathon and wanted to know if anyone would join her.  I randomly decided I would go for it, and also got my husband, brother, and sister-in-law to sign up with me. I started training in December and soon enough it came around.  Since this was my first half-marathon I didn't set any goals for myself.  I simply wanted to run it, enjoy it, and feel good about it. I ended up completing the half in 2 hours 18 minutes which is about a 10 1/2 minute mile.  Dave finished in 1 hour 50 minutes which is about an 8 1/2 minute mile.  We are both so happy we did it and really happy with our times.  It really was so much fun and we both feel quite accomplished.  I definitely think there will be some more half-marathons in our future :) 



l.k. said...

That really is so cool, Carly! I am not a runner either, but maybe one day I could do a half marathon. You are an inspiration! :) Can't wait to see you on Saturday! Love ya!

Greg and Sarah said...

you are amazing!!!! i've been wanting to do a 1/2 and am totally scared to do it. maybe i'll start out with a 5k haha!!

Sierra Danielle said...

Way to go Car! Such a great accomplishment! Good time too! You look so great