Saturday night a group of us went to the Jazz game!!! We decided to go all out so the night before we made signs, got our attire together, and we were all set!!! The game came around and we looked awesome! It was a way fun game...
The title of this post is pretty much... my new favorite quote all of a sudden ;) Last night Annie, Jessie, Loraca, and myself went to the Britney Spears Concert with the Pussy Cat Dolls as her opening performance and it was soooooo much fun! We had tickets for general admission which was awesome. We were right up there and had all the room in the world to dance dance dance! I have to hand it to Britney... she puts on quite the show! It was such a fun girls outing :) :) :)
I hope everyone had a great Easter and that you were all as thankful for the beautiful weather as I was!!! Easter is such a fun Holiday and it was pretty laid back this year. Friday night some friends colored Easter eggs and everyone got oh so creative... Saturday David took me on a surprise getaway to Bear Lake for the night so the first little bit of Easter was spent driving home Sunday morning. Upon getting home I ate breakfast with my mom and we hung out for a bit and I got my Easter basket! Then I went to Dave's because his mom's Birthday was on Friday so his family did dinner. After that we took a nap and after THAT we went on a walk to Flat Iron where we played some one-on-one football! It was a great Easter weekend.
As many of you know, Dave's birthday was yesterday... April 5th. We celebrated together Friday night and it was such a good time! Plans didn't really follow through as we had planned, and normally that would have gotten me down, but we still ended up having so much fun. We started off by going to dinner at Rodizio Grill and never in my life have I seen Dave eat so much food!!!! I was truly blown away. After that we drove down to "Jump on it"... basically, trampoline land. Mandy and Josh joined us and it was craziness! We took lots of fun pictures and overall it was a really fun night. Saturday night we had dinner with Dave's whole family and it was really fun to visit with everyone. Sunday, Dave's actual birthday, we just kinda hung out. I had a 5 page English essay to write which put a damper on things cuz I really just wanted to spend time with Dave. His only "birthday request" was that I write it at his house so I could be with him on his special day. So that I did! It was fun because I finished it with pretty good timing so we were able to play Wii fitness, which is so funny by the way, go to the park with Andy and Dustee and play catch for a bit, and go to his Aunt's house to do a little cake and icecream with his extended family. Dave got lots of fun presents this year... tons of MOVIES from his family. CUTE clothes from me and my mom! And I also got us concert tickets to go see The Fray at Usana amphitheatre when they come in July! What a fun Birthday! :)
Here are some questions about you and your spouse. Once your finished tag whoever you want to do this! Come on, play along - inquiring minds want to know! ♥What are your middle names? His: Spencer, Mine: Lynn ♥ How long have you been together? Been together... ? It's been just about 2 years now since we started hanging out. ♥ How long did you know each other before you started dating? A couple months ♥ Who asked who out? I don't even remember!!! He probably asked me to hang out first. ♥ How old are each of you? Dave: 24 (basically... 4 more days!) Me: 21 ♥ Whose siblings do/ did you see the most? That's a toss up.... I'd say both pretty regularly. ♥ Do you have any children together? No, but we will one day! ♥ What about pets? No... hopefully a dog soon enough! ♥ Which situation is the hardest on you as a couple? Misunderstandings ♥ Did you go to the same school? Indeed, we both went to Hillcrest! ♥ Are you from the same home town? Yes :) ♥ Who is smarter? I think we're pretty much the same when it comes to intelligence! ♥ Who is more sensitive? David... absolutely David. ♥ Where do you eat out most as a couple? ? We're pretty random when it comes to eating out. ♥ Where is the furthest you two have traveled together as a couple? California ♥ Who has the craziest exes? I think we could both say we have at least one. ♥ Who has the worst temper? David. I'm a pretty passive person. ♥ Who does the cooking? Well neither of us really, BUT when we do cook, Dave does it. He's pretty good! ♥ Who is more social? I am! Not that Dave isn't social, cuz he is very social! But I'd definitely say I'm more into hanging out all the time than he is. ♥ Who is the neat-freak? Neither of us. ♥ Who is more stubborn? We are both stubborn! Is it me rubbing off on him? Or him rubbing off on me?? We can't remember any more. ♥ Who hogs the bed? Well, if/when we ever do sleep in the same bed (as of now) I would say I am the one who hogs the bed! I think I'm pretty good at hogging the sheets/blankets as well :) ♥ Who wakes up earlier? Depends on what our schedules are like. ♥ Where was your first date? I don't even remember! How sad :( I can go through our first whole MONTH of hanging out and stuff, but not a date. ♥ Who has the bigger family? Dave's family is ginormous. ♥ Do you get flowers often? Of course! On special occasions and here and there just for fun. ♥ How do you spend the holidays? With both our families. ♥ Who is more jealous? I would say David. ♥ How long did it take to get serious? Mmm... a few months? ♥ Who eats more? He does for sure! ♥ Who does/ did the laundry? We both do our own laundry... considering we don't live together yet :) When we DO live together...I'm totally making him do ALL the laundry ;) KIDDING! ♥ Who’s better with the computer? We are both good. ♥ Who drives when you are together? Depends... usually when we are in my car I drive, and when we are in his car, he drives.