Saturday night a group of us went to the Temple to see the lights. It's so fun cuz all the boys have been BEST FRIENDS since... oh I'd say about middle school, and all us girls have BEST FRIENDS since middle school too (not including Loraca who we've been friends with for about 2 years now but we love her just the same) and we're all DATING!! Don't ask how it all worked out... this is not the first time all my girlfriends have dated a group of guys that are way tight. I guess we're cool like that ;) Anyway, it was way fun, the Temple is always so pretty. Thanks to Mandy and her way nice camera we have some super cute pictures!
Jordan and LoracaMandy and JoshAndy and DusteeDave and Carly
I love Christmas....and I love my girlfriends. It's always so much fun to visit with everyone. Especially after not seeing everyone for so long! We ate, did a gift exchange, wrestled with Jessie a bit, and then Loraca, Brinly, and myself took lots of awesome pictures while everyone else sat and gabbed. haha. Good times :) Dustee was so excited for her present! So was Mandy!!!Dustee freakin' LOVES Andy ;) haha. Great present.This is where things got interesting...."If you like it then you should have put a ring on it..."POW. POW. Such a great inside joke!
Thanksgiving break was so good. First, I got engaged. And it was so perfect because the next day was Thanksgiving so we were able to spend that day with both our families and share the good news :) But before that we of course went to the turkey bowl, where I hung out with Mandy and Katie and we watched our men beat each other up. It was super laid back and relaxing. Not a lot went on but I was thankful to just hang out. I went snowboarding for the first time this season with Jessie and it was way good! I'm so excited for MORE snow! Dave and I went to the Temple Saturday night to look at the lights. We had a nice Sunday at church, Dustee FINALLY colored my hair! And we played with our best friends Dustee and Andy. Good times :)These pictures are a perfect example of why I love Dave so much. He is a crazy man. Always doing something that makes me laugh. Being cute little cheerleaders :)Had to take a picture! Dave and I went over to Andy's house to watch Elf. I was in all of Dave's clothes, and when we arrived Dustee was in all of Andy's clothes. Best thing, is we were both in flannel! AND Dave is hardcore U of U fan, Andy is hardcore BYU fan. Can ya tell??? We thought it was funny.