Tuesday, December 20, 2011

"Where are you Christmas?"

This song should be the theme song for Christmas this year at the Dent house. Decorations are non-existent. Christmas tree... we figured we could do without one. Our home is definitely lacking Christmas spirit. In my defense, I blame school finals and two sick children. OH wait! And... a sick mommy! OH wait! All at the same time! Yes, during the last week and a half of school, Trey and Easton became sick with croup. And I jumped on the sick train just a couple days later. Talk about worst. timing. ever. Thanks to the craziness I'm just not feeling Christmas this year :( I was so ready to tackle Christmas after school was finished, but now I really just want to sit around and do nothing. Our apartment is a disaster, there is a "to-do" list that is not being done, and I plan on it being that way until the Holidays are over. At least I've been able to bring myself to make some yummy Christmas treats for family and friends, and best of all... visit Santa Clause. I hope everyone has a great Christmas! :)

Trey was not fond of Santa Clause, so I jumped in and we got a good picture :)

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Our twinners...

... are 18 months old now! They are more fun than I can handle, and I love being able to be with them so much. Here is what Trey and Easton are up to lately...

They love dancing to music.
When you ask them... they will tell you where their eyes, nose, mouth, ears,head, and belly are.
Easton especially likes to show and tell anyone where his "pee pee" is.
They love giving high fives and "pounding it."
They take one nap a day and it usually goes pretty well, occasionally we struggle.
They love giving hugs, and more recently they have started to hug each other. So sweet.
I think their most favorite thing is to be chased by Mom or Dad.
They are becoming quite independant and want to do just about anything on their own.
They are constantly climbing onto anything, tables, chairs, etc...
They eat with forks all by themselves.
They love flushing the toilet.
They love throwing their diapers, or anything else, into the trash.
They are saying lots of words these days, and just as of late it seems they are trying out new words much more often.
Some of their words are... Mama, Dada, nana (banana), up, no no, don't touch, more, pee pee, doggie, two, yeah, ball, and... that's all I can think of for now.
And evidently... they love to kick back and hang out in our pantry :)

I love my baby boys!!!