Sunday, August 19, 2012

At long last.

A day I have been looking forward to for a long, long time has finally arrived. On Saturday, August 18th, our little family returned home from a fun week at Bear Lake. As we made our way to our apartment, waiting at the door was my college diploma. AHHH! I couldn't even believe it. I feel as though I've made graduating out to be a huge deal, not that it isn't, but I feel 10x more accomplished because throwing children into the mix of school was nothing short of crazy. Looking back, I really don't know how I brought myself to do it. When I found out I was pregnant with Trey and Easton I was about half way through college. I just couldn't give up. I knew that if I didn't keep going I would lose my steam and most likely never return. So after the boys were born, I took a short break and kept on chuggin' along. It was never easy. In fact, most often it was hard, stressful, and overwhelming.  It was hard to dedicate so much of my time to being a mom, and then spend just about all the rest of my time being a student and doing homework. I felt like a rarely had free time to do what I wanted to do. I wasn't even capable of keeping our apartment clean! There were days when I felt like I didn't have enough time for school.  Days when I felt discouraged. Days when I seemed to just cry.  Days when I told Dave I think I should just quit. Days when I felt like I wasn't being a good mom because I was trying to focus on school instead of my children. It was simply, exhausting.  Even so, I'm so grateful that I have such an amazing family who supports me in everything I do. Dave was always happy that I wanted to finish. He stuck with me through it all, even when I was so ridden with anxiety that I was a total grump.  He always helped when he could by taking the boys off my hands so I could do homework, or study, or meet up for school projects. I'm grateful for both our parents who always helped and watched the boys when they could. Dave's sister Lisanne watched them on a regular basis and I'm so grateful for her willingness. And lastly... I must thank my mom. She not only helped by watching the boys, but she spent countless hours going over papers with me, especially as I got closer to graduating. I felt burnt out and I was ready to be done. As I worked on final papers my brain seemed to shut down, and at times, I felt like I couldn't even think. My mom was aware of this and helped and helped and helped... and then helped some more. There were nights when she helped me with homework, and I didn't come home until 2:00 in the morning. What a great mom! Now that I'm done I'm just so happy. Happy that I stuck it out. Happy because I feel I'm setting a good example for Trey and Easton. Happy because one day I know that having this degree will benefit me and my family. Everyone keeps asking me what I'm going to do now, and honestly, I don't know! As excited as I am to be done, I do think I'll find myself back at school, eventually. For a second bachelor's degree? A Master's degree? Who knows! There are probably fifty different things I'd love to do. But for now... I'm content being a mom.  I'm looking forward to spending time with the boys without homework lingering in the back of my mind. And I'm excited to dedicate even more of myself to them. I truly feel that being a mom is my job right now, and it's exactly what I'm supposed to be doing. Here's to becoming a college grad!!! :)


DAVE said...

Freddy you are amazing and I am so proud of you. Not a lot of people would have done what you did in your situation. You are an incrdible women.

Zac and Carla said...

Woohoo!! Congrats! I know how it feels :)

Cara Short said...

Car! you made me cry! i'm so proud of you and know how hard it is to do that with one kid... can't imagine with two... you are amazing and a good example to me as well! congrats!

The Flip Out Fam said...

Yay!! Congrats! And way to go!! I am so proud of you! I think you are such an awesome mom and I am so impressed that you were able to still be an awesome mom while finishing school!!