Monday, October 10, 2011

Sweet sixteen!!!

Sixteen months that is. And I think it's more bitter-sweet than just sweet. These two children of mine have got me on my toes constantly. The only free time I ever have is nap time, and even then it's hardly free because I do homework. I dont' know about anyone else... but I've found this age to be extremely challenging. I'm approached by moms of twins all the time and they ask me how old the boys are, etc... and then I swear every single one of them (mostly moms of twin boys) has said something along these lines as our conversation ends... "It only gets worse!" And they smile at me and tell me how cute my kids are, and wander off, as if their comment hasn't just made me seriously question our future and what's in store for us. At first I laughed it off, but now I'm wondering if they were all right. Trey and Easton are just as sweet as can be. They really are. But we've hit this stage where they cry over every little thing. They steal toys from each other. They bite each other. They even hit now. Even though it's crazy frustrating at times, and there are days when Dave and I tell each other this is it, no more kids (which we both know isn't true) we put them down for bed at the end of the day and all we can do is talk about how cute they are and how much we love them. It's the awesomeness of children I guess! So now let's get to the good stuff!

They both have a serious obsession with shoes. I don't know what it is... but they want their shoes on, always.

They loooooove being outside, even in the freezing cold rain.

They are finally off the bottle. Which is an interesting thing to me how so many moms want their kids off the bottle asap. What is the big deal?

They have started signing, and I have no idea how because I gave up on teaching baby sign a long time ago. But they both sign "more" and "milk" now. Baby sign is the cutest thing ever.

They say a few words here and there but as for talking... they are not doing much of it for now. Which is totally fine.

They love giving hugs and kisses.

They are difficult to feed sometimes.

They love jumping on the couch or in their cribs.

And even though we are going through a difficult stage... they are loved and loved by mom and dad.


Drew and Brandi said...

You are amazing, two babies, I don't know how you do it, I can barely keep up with one and the other things! You are great!

Greg and Sarah said...

They are so dang cute! I swear when Kamryn was around 16 months I was thinking the same thing. I wanted to pull my hair out! (And twins it's double trouble!) Even her now at 18 months, she is able to tell me (or point) at what she wants and this has lessened her tantrums. I think kids just are always going through "a phase" :). At least they are adorable. I mean, what if they were ugly? Then you would be really mad! :)

Nick and Megan said...

Can I just say that my boys went though the same kind of thing. They cried at every little thing and got on each others nerves constantly. It lasted a few months and tested my patience. It stopped for my boys when they started communicating more around 18-19 months and it got a million times easier!! Trust me. This has been my favorite stage they are so fun.