We celebrated two Birthdays. First my brother Aaron turned 25. For his Birthday we went bowling with the family.
My dear husband turned 26. The celebration was neverending... We had multiple Birthday celebrations with family and friends. A nice double date to Rodizio Grill. Dave got a new racquet for racquetball. A GPS. And a giftcard to Market Street. And I really slacked at taking pictures :(
My sister often comes with me to run errands. I evidently need extra help. Going anywhere alone these days is just too exhausting. (She's great.) I asked her to come to The Pottery Barn with me because I had a gift card I wanted to use. She in turn asked me if I would journey with her downtown to see a friend. I agreed and in the process, I let a total bum hold both my children. Am I crazy??? He was really nice and asked if he could hold my babies! How do you say no without feeling like you are saying no for the wrong reason!? I didn't want to come off as stereotypical. She had my camera and photographed the exciting event.
Dave has a "thing" for writing me cute messages with baby toys. It's sweet :)
Trey and Easton had their first haircut! So exciting. They both did a really great job.
We babysat cousin Carson a couple days in a row and enjoyed having him around. Babies interacting with other babies is soooo entertaining. Love taking nakey pictures of these boys.
Other than that... I'm just looking forward to this semester being over. I'm officially registered for two summer classes. So even though I'll hardly catch a break, I will catch a little one! Three weeks of no school will be wonderful. Here's to going to school for the rest of my dang life... at least it feels that way :/ I'm just thankful for all the good stuff that occurs in the midst of school. CHEERS to that!
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