Thursday, July 5, 2012

Happy 4th!!

We had a great 4th of July this year.  We usually go see fireworks at a park but we decided to keep things laid back and somewhat simple this year.  We went to Murray Park in the morning where Dave drooled over classic cars in the car show, Trey and Easton met Elmo AND got balloons, and we ate yummy food. I made really cute cupcakes for a BBQ with my family later that evening, and then my mom was kind enough to watch the boys so we could meet up with friends for another BBQ.  Lucky for us, our friends have multiple neighbors who provided a really great firework show for us as we hung out in the backyard.  Hope everyone had a great 4th!


Sunday, July 1, 2012

Summer lovin'

Well, we've been keeping ourselves busy as ever this summer.  Since I last blogged we celebrated a lovely Father's Day.  I wanted to make it a really special day for Dave, so my family got together for breakfast at The Park Cafe and afterwards, we went to The Tracy Aviary.  It was lots of fun and I highly recommend checking it out. Liberty Park is one of our favorite places.  I'm extremely grateful for Dave and the dad that he is.  He's always helping me change diapers, give baths, make dinner, etc... and he is a child at heart.  No wonder Trey and Easton love their dad so much.  He is the best at playing, chasing, being rowdy, basically... being a big kid :) 
We've been going swimming lots.  Lucky for us Dave's parents have a pool so we go all the time.  The boys love going to my mom's where they hang out naked in the backyard all day.  And we've been going to farmer's markets, the park, and simply enjoying the nice, hot weather.
I went to see Toby Keith in concert at Usana Amphitheatre with my dear friend Jessie, lots of fun.
And lastly... Dave broke his hand playing football. Bummer. He's been in a cast for a week now and is sadly going in for surgery tomorrow morning.  Wish us luck!  He'll be in a cast for at least 4 weeks.  He's been able to take lots of time off work, which has been nice and somewhat stressful at the same time.  He'll be good as new in no time though, and just in time for him to tackle another semster of school!! ;)
Those are the Highlights of our lives as of late... otherwise, Dave is super into the olympic trials. We are obsessed with SYTYCD.  I read The Book Thief and seriously think it's one of the best books I've ever read.  And of course, I'm still chuggin' along with school.  Hope everyone is having an enjoyable summer :)